September 11, 2009 had the pleasure of taking out Gil Phillippi. He was a referral from one of our many repeat customers, we like to thank everyone who sends us new customers. Customer giving referrals are highly appreciated and means a lot to us that we are doing a good job and putting the right effort in to them all.
Gil was after the exotic hard fighting Peacock Bass that are only in South Florida area for the United States. Gil wanted to throw artificial baits all day, we started off with topwater plugs. His first catch was a nice snook that just “exploded” on his bait. Gil caught a nice two pound peacock off topwater and as day went on we went to throwing sub surface lures.
The mid afternoon was slow, but things picked up near the end of day. He caught about twelve peacocks and a nice tarpon on light tackle, 10lb test!.
The thing about Miami you just never know what your going to catch! Its an awesome urban fishery locate close to everything.
Till next time tight lines and good fishing….
From Staff Writer Capt Brett Isackson (bretti@bassonline.com)
BassOnline.com / 888-829-BASS
To learn more about Florida bass fishing, visit Bass Fishing Blogs. Also visit or sister website Florida Bass Fishing, Lake Okeechobee Fishing, Bass Fishing Florida, Florida Peacock Bass
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